101 Hits for Ukulele (Red Book)

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Ukulele
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1008062
- ISBN: 9781783058693
Prijs € 26,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- (Sittin‘ On) The Dock Of The Bay [Otis Redding]
- A New England [Bragg, Billy]
- A Rainy Night In Soho [Pogues, The]
- All I Have To Do Is Dream [Everly Brothers, The]
- American Girl [Petty, Tom]
- Baby Can I Hold You [Chapman, Tracy]
- Back For Good [Take That]
- Band On The Run [Paul McCartney & Wings]
- Beautiful Noise [Diamond, Neil]
- Beggin' [Four Seasons, The]
- Chasing Pavements [Adele]
- Could You Be Loved [Bob Marley & The Wailers]
- Counting Stars [OneRepublic]
- Crazy [Gnarls Barkley]
- Creep [Radiohead]
- Dear Mr. Fantasy [Traffic]
- Distant Sun [Crowded House]
- Don't Worry Baby [Beach Boys, The]
- Downtown Train [Waits, Tom]
- Dream A Little Dream Of Me [Mamas And The Papas, The]
- Drive [Cars, The]
- Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic [Police, The]
- Everywhere [Fleetwood Mac]
- Get It On [T. Rex]
- Get Lucky [Daft Punk]
- Get Rhythm [Cash, Johnny]
- Ghost Town [Specials, The]
- Give A Little Bit [Supertramp]
- Gloria [Them]
- Happy [Williams, Pharrell]
- Hard To Handle [Redding, Otis]
- Heaven [Adams, Bryan]
- Help! [Beatles, The]
- Here Comes Your Man [Pixies, The]
- Here With Me [Dido]
- Hey, Good Lookin' [Williams, Hank]
- Ho Hey [Lumineers, The]
- Homeward Bound [Simon & Garfunkel]
- How Long Will I Love You [Goulding, Ellie]
- Human [Killers, The]
- I Want You [Dylan, Bob]
- I Will Wait [Mumford & Sons]
- In The Ghetto [Presley, Elvis]
- Israelites [Dekker, Desmond]
- It's A Sin [Pet Shop Boys]
- Jealous Guy [Lennon, John]
- Jive Talkin' [Bee Gees, The]
- Jolene [Parton, Dolly]
- Just Can't Get Enough [Depeche Mode]
- Lean On Me [Withers, Bill]
- Let's Stay Together [Green, Al]
- Linger [Cranberries, The]
- Little Red Rooster [Rolling Stones, The]
- Lola [Kinks, The]
- Love Is The Drug [Roxy Music]
- Love Will Tear Us Apart [Joy Division]
- Miss Misery [Smith, Elliott]
- Mr Blue Sky (ELO)
- New York, New York [Adams, Ryan]
- Oliver's Army [Costello, Elvis]
- Pompeii [Bastille]
- Put Your Records On [Bailey Rae, Corinne]
- Red Morning Light [Kings Of Leon]
- Ride A White Swan [T. Rex]
- Royals [Lorde]
- Rude [Magic!]
- S.O.S. [Abba]
- Sail Away [Gray, David]
- Scarborough Fair [Traditional]
- Sisters Of Mercy [Cohen, Leonard]
- Smile [Allen, Lily]
- Space Oddity [Bowie, David]
- Streets Of London [Mctell, Ralph]
- Substitute [Who, The]
- Sugar Man [Rodriguez]
- Sunny Afternoon [Kinks, The]
- Tainted Love [Soft Cell]
- Teach Your Children [Crosby Stills, Nash & Young]
- That's Entertainment [Jam, The]
- The A Team [Sheeran, Ed]
- The First Cut Is The Deepest [Stevens, Cat]
- the harder they come [Cliff, Jimmy]
- The Lovecats [Cure, The]
- The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore [Walker Brothers, The]
- There She Goes [La’s, The]
- Time Is On My Side [Rolling Stones, The]
- Tom Traubert's Blues (Four Sheets To The Wind In Copenhagen) [Waits, Tom]
- Trouble [LaMontagne, Ray]
- Turn! Turn! Turn! [Byrds, The]
- Unchained Melody [Righteous Brothers, The]
- Video Games [Del Ray, Lana]
- Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) [Mclean, Don]
- Viva La Vida [Coldplay]
- Wake Me Up [Avicii]
- Walk Away Renee [Left Banke, The]
- Waterloo [Abba]
- Why Does It Always Rain On Me [Travis]
- Wind Of Change [Scorpions, The]
- You Can Get It If You Really Want [Cliff, Jimmy]
- You Do Something To Me [Weller, Paul]
- You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [Beatles, The]
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