Dip In More Graded Alto Sax Solo

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Altsaxofoon
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Gemiddeld
- ISBN: 9781847724212
Prijs € 29,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
A great collection of popular music arranged for saxophone specially graded from easy-to-play tunes to more challenging pieces. This book has been specially bound to help the pages to lie flat while you are playing.
- (They Long To Be) Close To You [Carpenters, The]
- A Case Of You [Mitchell, Joni]
- A Fine Romance [Kern, Jerome]
- A Moment Like This [Lewis, Leona]
- A Night In Tunisia [Gillespie, Dizzy] [Paparelli, Frank]
- A Time For Us (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino]
- Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) [Collins, Phil]
- All These Things That I've Done [Killers, The]
- America [Razorlight]
- Angel [McLachlan, Sarah]
- Any Dream Will Do (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
- As Time Goes By [Wilson, Dooley]
- Blueberry Hill [Domino, Fats]
- Cabaret [Minnelli, Liza]
- Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man [Horne, Lena]
- Can't Take My Eyes Off You [Williams, Andy]
- Coming Round Again [Simon, Carly]
- Consider Yourself (Oliver!) [Bart, Lionel]
- Constant Craving [Lang, K.D.]
- Corcovado (Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars) (Jobim)
- Cornflake Girl [Amos, Tori]
- Creep [Radiohead]
- Dancing Queen [Abba]
- Delilah [Jones, Tom]
- Do You Hear The People Sing? (Les Miserables) [Schonberg, Claude-Michel]
- Dreams [Cranberries, The]
- Every Breath You Take [Police, The]
- Everybody's Talkin' [Nilsson]
- Everytime [Spears, Britney]
- Feel [Williams, Robbie]
- Flying Without Wings [Westlife]
- God Only Knows [Beach Boys, The]
- Golden Brown [Stranglers, The]
- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road [John, Elton]
- Grace Kelly [Mika]
- Have I Told You Lately [Morrison, Van]
- Head Over Feet [Morissette, Alanis]
- Here With Me [Dido]
- Hopelessly Devoted To You (Grease) [Newton-john, Olivia]
- How Deep Is Your Love [Bee Gees, The]
- Hung Up [Madonna]
- I Can't Stand The Rain [Peebles, Ann]
- I Don't Want To Miss A Thing [Aerosmith]
- I Dreamed A Dream [Schonberg, Claude-Michel]
- If You're Not The One [Bedingfield, Daniel]
- In A Sentimental Mood [Ellington, Duke]
- Jolene [Parton, Dolly]
- Kiss From A Rose [Seal]
- Lay Lady Lay [Dylan, Bob]
- Life On Mars? [Bowie, David]
- Little Bird [Lennox, Annie]
- Live And Let Die [Wings]
- Love And Affection [Armatrading, Joan]
- Love Me Tender [Presley, Elvis]
- Lovefool [Cardigans, The]
- Magic Moments [Como, Perry]
- Mother And Child Reunion [Simon, Paul]
- My Favourite Things (The Sound Of Music) [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar]
- My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) [Dion, Celine]
- Naive [Kooks, The]
- No Woman, No Cry [Bob Marley And The Wailers]
- Nothing Else Matters [Metallica]
- Patience [Take That]
- Petite Fleur (Little Flower) [Bechet, Sidney]
- Play Dead [Bjork]
- Purple Rain [Prince] [Revolution, The]
- Round Round [Sugababes]
- Ruby [Kaiser Chiefs]
- She Will Be Loved [Maroon 5]
- Sing [Travis]
- Smile [Allen, Lily]
- Smoke Gets In Your Eyes [Platters, The]
- Somethin' Stupid [Sinatra, Nancy] [Sinatra, Frank]
- Songbird [Fleetwood Mac]
- Suddenly I See [Tunstall, KT]
- Sunday Morning [Velvet Underground, The]
- Take Five [Brubeck, Dave]
- Take My Breath Away [Berlin]
- Teardrop [Massive Attack]
- The Air That I Breathe [Hollies, The]
- The Closest Thing To Crazy [Melua, Katie]
- The Girl From Ipanema [Gilberto, Joao And Astrud]
- The Importance Of Being Idle [Oasis]
- The Lady Sings The Blues [Holiday, Billie] [Nichols, Herbie]
- The Long And Winding Road [McCartney, Paul]
- The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
- The Scientist [Coldplay]
- The Simpsons [Elfman, Danny]
- This Year's Love [Gray, David]
- Umbrella [Rihanna]
- Where Do I Begin (Love Story) [Lai, Francis]
- Wild World [Stevens, Cat]
- Will You [O'Connor, Hazel]
- Wires [Athlete]
- Wisemen [Blunt, James]
- With A Little Help From My Friends [Beatles, The]
- With Or Without You [U2]
- Wonderful Tonight [Clapton, Eric]
- You Give Me Something [Morrison, James]
- You've Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story) [Newman, Randy]
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