Easiest Keyboard Collection: Bumper Chart HIts

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Keyboard
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Eenvoudig
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1004784
- ISBN: 9781780385730
Prijs € 26,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- American Boy [Estelle]
- Beat Again [JLS]
- Bedshaped [Keane]
- Best Thing I Never Had [Beyonce]
- Bleeding Love [Lewis, Leona]
- California King Bed [Rihanna]
- Dominos [Big Pink, The]
- Don’t Hold Your Breath [Scherzinger, Nicole]
- Eclipse (All Yours) [Metro]
- ET [Perry, Katy]
- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall [Coldplay]
- Eyes Wide Shut [JLS]
- Foolin’ [Bromfield, Dionne]
- Forget You [Cee Lo Green]
- Foundations [Nash, Kate]
- Glad You Came [Wanted, The]
- Good Girl [Jordan, Alexis]
- Hey Ya [Outkast]
- I Believe In You [Kylie]
- I Won’t Let You Go [Morrison, James]
- Jar Of Hearts [Perri, Christina]
- Just Dance [Lady GaGa]
- Just The Way You Are [Mars, Bruno]
- L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. [Noah And The Whale]
- Make You Feel My Love [Adele]
- Maps [Yeah Yeah Yeahs]
- Mercy [Duffy]
- Moves Like Jagger [Maroon 5]
- Mykonos [Fleet Foxes]
- Patience [Take That]
- Price Tag [Jessie J]
- Rude Boy [Rihanna]
- She Said [Plan B]
- Skinny Love [Birdy]
- Someone Like You [Adele]
- Standing In The Way OF Control [Gossip]
- Steady As She Goes [Raconteurs, The]
- Stronger [Sugababes]
- Sun Of A Gun [Oh Land]
- The A Team [Sheeran, Ed]
- The Edge Of Glory [Lady Gaga]
- The Flood [Take That]
- The One I Love [Gray, David]
- Trouble [LaMontagne, Ray]
- Tumble And Fall [Feeder]
- Viva La Vida [Coldplay]
- What Makes You Beautiful [One Direction]
- Wires [Athlete]
- You Raise Me Up [Westlife]
- Your Song [Goulding, Ellie]
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