Fifty Years Of Hits: Volume One

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Piano, Zang, Gitaar (PVG)
- Genre: Pop & Rock
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Gemiddeld
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1012143
- ISBN: 9781785583865
Prijs € 54,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
Dit boek bundelt 100 nummers van de laatste vijftig jaar samen, voor piano, zang en gitaar. Met wat van de beste nummers verspreid over de afgelopen decennia, van verschillende genres en muzikale tijdperken. In dit boek staan veel van The Beatles’ nummers, maar daarnaast ook nummers van onder andere Leonard Cohen, Dusty Springfield, Taylor Swift en Ed Sheeran. Kortom, deze bundel is een grote aanwinst voor ieder die hem in huis haalt.
- All About That Bass [Trainor, Meghan]
- All I Want For Christmas Is You [Carey, Mariah]
- All My Loving [Beatles, The]
- All Of The Stars [Sheeran, Ed]
- Alone [Heart]
- Apologize [OneRepublic]
- Back In The USSR [Beatles, The]
- Bad Romance [Lady Gaga]
- Begin Again [Swift, Taylor]
- Big Yellow Taxi [Mitchell, Joni]
- Black Magic [Little Mix]
- Blank Space [Swift, Taylor]
- Bloodstream [Sheeran, Ed]
- Broken Strings [Morrison, James]
- Burning Love [Presley, Elvis]
- Candy [Williams, Robbie]
- Can’t Buy Me Love [Beatles, The]
- Cigarettes & Alcohol [Oasis]
- Come Together [Beatles, The]
- Counting Stars [OneRepublic]
- Cry Me Out [Pixie Lott]
- Dance Me To The End Of Love [Cohen, Leonard]
- Dead From The Waist Down [Catatonia]
- A Design For Life [Manic Street Preachers]
- Domino [Jessie J]
- Don't Know Why [Jones, Norah]
- Don't Look Back In Anger [Oasis]
- Driftwood [Travis]
- Drive My Car [Beatles, The]
- Eleanor Rigby [Beatles, The]
- Even My Dad Does Sometimes [Sheeran, Ed]
- Eyes Open [Swift, Taylor]
- Fifteen [Swift, Taylor]
- Give Me Love [Sheeran, Ed]
- Go Let It Out [Oasis]
- Golden Slumbers [Beatles, The]
- Golden Touch [Razorlight]
- Gotta Be You [One Direction]
- Half The World Away [Oasis]
- A Hard Day’s Night [Beatles, The]
- Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? [Adams, Bryan]
- Heart’s On Fire [Passenger]
- Heaven [Sandé, Emeli]
- Hello, Goodbye [Beatles, The]
- Here, There And Everywhere [Beatles, The]
- Hey Jude [Beatles, The]
- How Long Will I Love You [Goulding, Ellie]
- How We Do (Party) [Ora, Rita]
- I Knew You Were Trouble [Swift, Taylor]
- I Won’t Let You Go [Morrison, James]
- I'm Your Man [Cohen, Leonard]
- In My Life [Beatles, The]
- It’s My Party [Jessie J]
- Just Give Me A Reason [P!nk]
- Lego House [Sheeran, Ed]
- Let There Be Love [Oasis]
- Like A Prayer [Madonna]
- Live Forever [Oasis]
- Livin’ On A Prayer [Bon Jovi]
- The Living Daylights [A-ha]
- The Long And Winding Road [Beatles, The]
- Love Goes Down [Plan B]
- Love Song [Bareilles, Sara]
- Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Beatles, The]
- Lyla [Oasis]
- The Masterplan [Oasis]
- Mine [Swift, Taylor]
- The Model [Kraftwerk]
- A Moment Like This [Lewis, Leona]
- Norwegian Wood [This Bird Has Flown] [Beatles, The]
- Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da [Beatles, The]
- One Night [Presley, Elvis]
- The Parting Glass [Sheeran, Ed]
- Please Send Me Someone To Love [Sade]
- Read All About It, Part III [Sandé, Emeli]
- Roll With It [Oasis]
- Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [Beatles, The]
- Shake It Off [Swift, Taylor]
- She Loves You [Beatles, The]
- Shirtsleeves [Sheeran, Ed]
- Should’ve Said No [Swift, Taylor]
- Small Bump [Sheeran, Ed]
- Son Of A Preacher Man [Dusty Springfield]
- Stop Crying Your Heart Out [Oasis]
- Suspicious Minds [Presley, Elvis]
- Take Me To Church [Hozier]
- Talk [Coldplay]
- Thinking Out Loud [Sheeran, Ed]
- Time After Time [Lauper, Cyndi]
- Tomorrow Never Dies [Crow, Sheryl]
- Turn [Travis]
- Twist And Shout [Beatles, The]
- U.N.I [Sheeran, Ed]
- The Way It Is [Bruce Hornsby And The Range]
- When I Need You [Dion, Celine]
- A Winter’s Tale [Essex, David]
- Woodstock [Mitchell, Joni]
- Yesterday [Beatles, The]
- You Gotta Be [Des’ree]
- You Need Me, I Don't Need You [Sheeran, Ed]
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