Fifty Years Of Hits: Volume Two

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Piano, Zang, Gitaar (PVG)
- Genre: Pop & Rock
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Gemiddeld
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1012154
- ISBN: 9781785583872
Prijs € 54,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
Volume 2 van Fifty Years Of Hits is een andere collectie van 100 nummers van de afgelopen vijftig jaar, voor piano, zang en gitaar. Hierin staan wat van de beste nummers van de afgelopen decennia, van verschillende genres en muzikale tijdperken. In deze collectie staan ook nummers van The Beatles, Gladys Knight, Sam Smith en Ed Sheeran en nog vele andere artiesten.
- 22 [Swift, Taylor]
- A Case Of You [Mitchell, Joni]
- The A Team [Sheeran, Ed]
- All Around The World [Oasis]
- All You Need Is Love [Beatles, The]
- Because [Beatles, The]
- Black Horse And The Cherry Tree [KT Tunstall]
- Blackbird [Beatles, The]
- Born Free [Monro, Matt]
- Born To Try [Goodrem, Delta]
- Cast No Shadow [Oasis]
- Champagne Supernova [Oasis]
- Christmas Alphabet [Valentine, Dickie]
- The City [Sheeran, Ed]
- Day Tripper [Beatles, The]
- Dear Darlin’ [Murs, Olly]
- Drunk [Sheeran, Ed]
- Eight Days A Week [Beatles, The]
- Eternal Flame [Bangles, The]
- Everybody Knows [Cohen, Leonard]
- Everything At Once [Lenka]
- Fight For This Love [Cole, Cheryl]
- From Me To You [Beatles, The]
- Frozen [Madonna]
- Get Back [Beatles, The]
- Get Lucky [Daft Punk feat. Pharrell]
- Ghost [Henderson, Ella]
- Girls Just Want To Have Fun [Lauper, Cyndi]
- Goldfinger [Bassey, Shirley]
- Grade 8 [Sheeran, Ed]
- Hallelujah [Cohen, Leonard]
- Halo [Beyonce]
- Help! [Beatles, The]
- Hey Now! [Oasis]
- Human Nature [Jackson, Michael]
- I Am The Walrus [Beatles, The]
- I Want To Hold Your Hand [Beatles, The]
- If You’re Not The One [Bedingfield, Daniel]
- I’m A Mess [Sheeran, Ed]
- I’m Not The Only One [Smith, Sam]
- The Importance Of Being Idle [Oasis]
- In The Ghetto [Presley, Elvis]
- Jealousy [Pet Shop Boys]
- Keep The Faith [Bon Jovi]
- Lady Madonna [Beatles, The]
- Let Her Go [Passenger]
- Let It Be [Beatles, The]
- Let Me Go [Barlow, Gary]
- Licence To Kill [Knight, Gladys]
- Like A Virgin [Madonna]
- Little By Little [Oasis]
- Little Talks [Of Monsters And Men]
- Little Things [One Direction]
- Love Story [Swift, Taylor]
- Married With Children [Oasis]
- Marry The Night [Lady Gaga]
- Michelle [Beatles, The]
- Missing [Everything But The Girl]
- More Than A Feeling [Boston]
- Morning Glory [Oasis]
- Nina [Sheeran, Ed]
- Oh! Darling [Beatles, The]
- One [Sheeran, Ed]
- One Love (People Get Ready) [Bob Marley & The Wailers]
- Other Side Of The World [KT Tunstall]
- Penny Lane [Beatles, The]
- Poker Face [Lady Gaga]
- Price Tag [Jessie J]
- Rather Be [Clean Bandit]
- Road Rage [Catatonia]
- Rock ’n’ Roll Star [Oasis]
- Say You'll Be There [Spice Girls]
- Shakermaker [Oasis]
- She’s Electric [Oasis]
- Sing [Travis]
- Some Might Say [Oasis]
- Stay With Me [Smith, Sam]
- The Stranger Song [Cohen, Leonard]
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Beatles, The]
- Strong Enough [Crow, Sheryl]
- Suddenly I See [KT Tunstall]
- Supersonic [Oasis]
- Take A Bow [Madonna]
- Take It Back [Sheeran, Ed]
- This [Sheeran, Ed]
- Ticket To Ride [Beatles, The]
- Tower Of Song [Cohen, Leonard]
- True Colors [Lauper, Cyndi]
- Umbrella [Rhianna]
- Video Games [Lana Del Rey]
- We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together [Swift, Taylor]
- Why Does It Always Rain On Me? [Travis]
- Wings [Little Mix]
- With A Little Help From My Friends [Beatles, The]
- Wonderwall [Oasis]
- The World Is Not Enough [Garbage]
- Writing To Reach You [Travis]
- Writing’s On The Wall [Plan B]
- Yellow Submarine [Beatles, The]
- You Give Me Something [Morrison, James]
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