Little Black Songbook: Great Acoustic Songs(Over 80 Hits)

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Lyrics , Akkoorden
- Series: The Little Black Songbook
- Genre: Pop & Rock
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Gemiddeld
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1011087
- ISBN: 9781785580772
Prijs € 19,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- 20/20 [Coombes, Gaz]
- About A Girl [Nirvana]
- Against The Wind [Seger, Bob And The Silver Bullet Band]
- America [Simon And Garfunkel]
- And I Love You So [Mclean, Don]
- Baby Can I Hold You [Chapman, Tracy]
- Ballad Of Big Nothing [Smith, Elliott]
- Blud [Soak]
- Breaking The Law [Sandé, Emeli]
- Broken [Bugg, Jake]
- Broken Strings [Morrison, James]
- Budapest [Ezra, George]
- Cornerstone [Arctic Monkeys]
- Cosmic Dancer [T. Rex]
- Courage [Villagers]
- Cracklin' Rosie [Diamond, Neil]
- Cucurucu [Mulvey, Nick]
- Dancing Barefoot [Smith, Patti]
- Everlong [Foo Fighters]
- Everything Has Changed [Swift, Taylor] [Sheeran, Ed]
- Far From Any Road [Handsome Family, The]
- Folsom Prison Blues [Cash, Johnny]
- FourFiveSeconds [Rihanna] [West, Kanye] [McCartney, Paul]
- Free Fallin' [Petty, Tom]
- Grandma's Hands [Withers, Bill]
- Guitar Man [Presley, Elvis]
- Have You Ever Seen The Rain? [Creedence Clearwater Revival]
- Heart Is A Drum [Beck]
- Ho Hey [Lumineers, The]
- Hold Back The River [Bay, James]
- Home [Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros]
- I Never Learn [Lykke Li]
- I Say A Little Prayer [Franklin, Aretha]
- I'm Looking Through You [Beatles, The]
- In Between Days [Cure, The]
- Into My Arms [Nick Cave & Bad Seed]
- Ivy & Gold [Bombay Bicycle Club]
- Jack And Diane [Mellencamp, John]
- Jenny Don't Be Hasty [Nutini, Paolo]
- Lean [National, The]
- Let Her Go [Passenger]
- Little Lion Man [Mumford & Sons]
- Little Talks [Of Monsters And Men]
- Lola [Kinks, The]
- Love Ain't For Keeping [Who, The]
- Love Is Like A Butterfly [Parton, Dolly]
- Matilda [Alt-J]
- Moonshadow [Stevens, Cat]
- My Winding Wheel [Adams, Ryan]
- No One's Gonna Love You [Band Of Horses]
- Oblivious [Aztec Camera]
- Oh Daddy [Fleetwood Mac]
- One Love (People Get Ready) [Bob Marley & The Wailers]
- Our House [Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young]
- Paint The Moon [Czars, The]
- Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want [Smiths, The]
- Quicksand [Bowie, David]
- Re: Stacks [Bon Iver]
- Red Eyes [War On Drugs, The]
- Ripple [Grateful Dead]
- Running Scared [Orbison, Roy]
- Ship To Wreck [Florence + The Machine]
- Shiver [Coldplay]
- Silent Movies [Madisen Ward And The Mama Bear]
- Sisters Of Mercy [Cohen, Leonard]
- Solsbury Hill [Gabriel, Peter]
- Someone Like You [Adele]
- Stay With Me [Smith, Sam]
- Strawberry Letter 23 [Otis, Shuggie]
- Stuck On You [Richie, Lionel]
- Sugar Man [Rodriguez]
- Take Me Home, Country Roads [Denver, John]
- Take Me To Church [Hozier]
- Tangled Up In Blue [Dylan, Bob]
- Tears In Heaven [Clapton, Eric]
- The Drugs Don't Work [Verve, The]
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [Flack, Roberta]
- The Girl From Ipanema (Garôta De Ipanema) [Getz, Stan & Gilberto, Astrud]
- Thinking Out Loud [Sheeran, Ed]
- Tiny Dancer [John, Elton]
- Trouble [Little Feat]
- Wagon Wheel [Old Crow Medicine Show]
- Walk On The Wild Side [Reed, Lou]
- Weather With You [Crowded House]
- Wild West End [Dire Straits]
- With A Gun [Steely Dan]
- You Turn Me On I'm A Radio [Mitchell, Joni]
- You're The Best Thing [Style Council, The]
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