The Big Book Of Ukulele Songs

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Ukulele
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1009052
- ISBN: 9781783055999
Prijs € 26,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- 7 & 7 is [Love]
- Africa [Toto]
- Angie [The Rolling Stones]
- Arnold Layne [Pink Floyd]
- Ashes To Ashes [Bowie, David]
- Atmosphere [Joy Division]
- Ballad Of Big Nothing [Smith, Elliott]
- Band On The Run [Wings]
- Big Yellow Taxi [Mitchell, Joni]
- Buzzin' Fly [Buckley, Tim]
- California Dreamin’ [The Mamas & The Papas]
- Can't Take My Eyes Off You [Williams, Andy]
- Caroline, No [The Beach Boys]
- Come On Eileen [Dexys Midnight Runners]
- Come On Let's Go [Broadcast]
- Cosmic Dancer [T. Rex]
- Crazy [Gnarls Barkley]
- Crazy Little Thing Called Love [Queen]
- Desire [U2]
- Don't Go Breaking My Heart [John, Elton]
- Don't Let My Marigolds Die [Fay, Bill]
- Echo Beach [Martha & The Muffins]
- Fanfare [Matthews, Eric]
- Fat Bottomed Girls [Queen]
- Fire In My Heart [Super Furry Animals]
- Gimme Danger [The Stooges]
- Golden Brown [The Stranglers]
- Guitar Man [Reed, Jerry]
- Happy [Williams, Pharrell]
- Here Comes Your Man [The Pixies]
- Hero Of The War [Walker, Scott]
- I Ain't Marchin' Anymore [Ochs, Phil]
- I Am A Scientist [Guided By Voices]
- I Don't Wanna Grow Up [Waits, Tom]
- I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night) [The Electric Prunes]
- I Say A Little Prayer [Franklin, Aretha]
- I See Fire [Sheeran, Ed]
- I Walk The Line [Cash, Johnny]
- I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free [Simone, Nina]
- If I Were A Carpenter [Darin, Bobby]
- If You Could Read My Mind [Lightfoot, Gordon]
- I'm Glad [Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band]
- I'm Not Sayin' [Nico]
- It's My Life [Talk Talk]
- It's Now Or Never [Presley, Elvis]
- Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam [Nirvana]
- Jolene [Parton, Dolly]
- Lay, Lady, Lay [Dylan, Bob]
- Let Her Go [Passenger]
- Love Me Tender [Jones, Norah]
- Maggie May [Stewart, Rod]
- Many Rivers To Cross [Cliff, Jimmy]
- Meet On The Ledge [Fairport Convention]
- Michelle [The Beatles]
- More Than A Feeling [Boston]
- My Ever Changing Moods [ The Style Council]
- Ocean Man [Ween]
- One Love/People Get Ready [Marley, Bob]
- Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World [Kamakawiwo'ole, Israel]
- Personality Crisis [The New York Dolls]
- Price Tag [Jessie J]
- Ring Of Fire [Cash, Johnny]
- Royals [Lorde]
- Satellite Of Love [Reed, Lou]
- Save Me A Place [Fleetwood Mac]
- Solid Air [Martyn, John]
- Sorted For E's And Wizz [Pulp]
- Speed Of Sound [Coldplay]
- Sultans Of Swing [Dire Straits]
- Sunny [Hebb, Bobby]
- Teardrops [Womack & Womack]
- The Boy With The Thorn In His Side [The Smiths]
- The Day Before You Came [ABBA]
- The Fez [Steely Dan]
- The Seeker [The Who]
- Them Heavy People [Bush, Kate]
- Tin Soldier [The Small Faces]
- Together In Electric Dreams [The Human League]
- Tower Of Song [Cohen, Leonard]
- Two Fingers [Bugg, Jake]
- Valerie [The Zutons]
- Wagon Wheel [Old Crow Medicine Show]
- We Are Family [Sister Sledge]
- Werewolves Of London [Zevon, Warren]
- White Winter Hymnal [Fleet Foxes]
- Who Loves The Sun [The Velvet Underground]
- Wooden Ships [Crosby, Stills & Nash]
- You're Gonna Miss Me [The 13th Floor Elevators]
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