The Library Of Piano Entertainment

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Piano
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Uitgeversnummer: AM980672
- ISBN: 9780825629648
- A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody [Berlin, Irving]
- After You've Gone [Layton, Turner] [Creamer, Henry]
- Ain't We Got Fun [Whiting, Richard A.]
- Alexander's Ragtime Band [Berlin, Irving]
- Alice Blue Gown [Tierney, Harry]
- American Beauty Rag [Lamb, Joseph]
- Beale Street Blues [Handy, W.C.]
- Bill Bailey [Cannon, Hughie]
- Bugle Call Rag [Blake, Eubie] [Morgan, Carey]
- Cabbage Leaf Rag [Copeland, Les]
- Carolina In The Morning [Kahn, Gus] [Donaldson, Walter]
- Chopsticks [De Lulli, Arthur]
- Ciribiribin [Pestalozza, Alberto]
- Coaxing The Piano [Confrey, Zez]
- Creole Eyes (Danse Cubaine) [Gottschalk, Louis Moreau]
- Dallas Blues [Williams, Spencer]
- Danny Boy
- El Choclo [Villoldo, Angel G.]
- Entry Of The Gladiators Op.68 [Fucik, Julius]
- Estudiantina [Waldteufel, Emil]
- Fizz Water [Blake, J Hubert]
- Funeral March Of A Marionette [Gounod, Charles]
- Give My Regards to Broadway [Cohan, George M.]
- Golliwog's Cakewalk [Debussy, Claude]
- Grace And Beauty [Scott, James]
- Great Scott Rag [Scott, James]
- Greenwich Witch [Confrey, Zez]
- Havah Nagilah
- Heliotrope Bouquet [Joplin, Scott] [Chauvin, Louis]
- I Love A Piano [Berlin, Irving]
- I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise [Gershwin, George]
- I'm Always Chasing Rainbows [Carroll, Harry]
- I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles [Kenbrovin, Jean] [Kellette, John William]
- In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree [Alstyne, Egbert Van]
- Jelly Roll Blues [Morton, Jelly Roll]
- Kitten On The Keys [Confrey, Zez]
- La Cumparsita [Rodriguez, G.H. Matos]
- Limehouse Blues [Braham, Philip] [Furber, Douglas]
- Look For The Silver Lining [Kern, Jerome]
- Maple Leaf Rag [Joplin, Scott]
- Minstrels [Debussy, Claude]
- Moonlight Bay [Wenrich, Percy]
- My Melancholy Baby [Burnett, Ernie] [Norton, George A.]
- My Pet [Confrey, Zez]
- Nola [Arndt, Felix]
- Over The Waves [Rosas, Juventino]
- Pastime Rag No. 3 [Matthews, Artie]
- Play A Simple Melody [Berlin, Irving]
- Pretty Baby [Alstyne, Egbert Van] [Jackson, Tony] [Kahn, Gustave]
- Rialto Ripples [Gershwin, George]
- Rock-a-bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody [Schwartz, Jean]
- Semper Fidelis [Sousa, John Phillip]
- Shine On Harvest Moon [Bayes, Nora] [Norworth, Jack]
- Solace [Joplin, Scott]
- Some Of These Days [Brooks, Shelton]
- St. Louis Blues [Handy, W.C.]
- Sunflower Slow Drag [Joplin, Scott] [Hayden, Scott]
- Swipesy [Jopin, Scott] [Marshall, Arthur]
- Tango [Albeniz, Isaac]
- The Banjo [Gottschalk, Louis Moreau]
- The Chevy Chase [Blake, James Hubert (Eubie)]
- The Easy Winners [Joplin, Scott]
- The Entertainer [Joplin, Scott]
- The Golden Wedding [Gabriel Marie]
- The Liberty Bell [Sousa, John Philip]
- The Music Box Rag [Roberts, C Luckyth]
- The Original Chicago Blues [White, James]
- The Stars And Stripes Forever [Sousa, John Philip]
- The Teddy Bears' Picnic [Bratton, John W.] [Kennedy, James B.]
- The Thunderer [Sousa, John Phillip]
- The Washington Post [Sousa, John Phillip]
- The Whistler And His Dog [Pryor, Arthur]
- They Didn't Believe Me [Kern, Jerome]
- Tiger Rag [La Rocca, D.J.]
- Twelfth Street Rag [Bowman, Euday Louis]
- Way Down Yonder In New Orleans [Creamer, Henry] [Layton, J. Turner]
- You Made Me Love You [Monaco, James V.] [McCarthy, Joseph]
- You Tell 'Em Ivories [Confrey, Zez]
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