The Little Black Book Of Great Songs for Ukulele

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Zang, Ukulele
- Series: The Little Black Songbook
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Moeilijkheidsgraad: Gemiddeld
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1006434
- ISBN: 9781783050932
Prijs € 19,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- 5 Years Time [Noah & The Whale]
- Ain't No Sunshine [Withers, Bill]
- Alison [Costello, Elvis]
- All Along The Watchtower [Hendrix, Jimi]
- Always On My Mind [Presley, Elvis]
- America [Razorlight]
- Angels [Williams, Robbie]
- Better Together [Johnson, Jack]
- Bigmouth Strikes Again [Smiths, The]
- Both Sides Now [Mitchell, Joni]
- Boys Don't Cry [Cure, The]
- Bright Side Of The Road [Van Morrison]
- Can't Help Falling In Love [Williams, Andy]
- Crazy [Cline, Patsy]
- Crippled Inside [Lennon, John]
- Daniel [John, Elton]
- Daydream [Lovin' Spoonful, The]
- Dream Catch Me [Faulkner, Newton]
- Dreams [Fleetwood Mac]
- Every Breath You Take [Police, The]
- Free Bird [Lynyrd Skynyrd]
- Give A Little Bit [Supertramp]
- Golden Brown [Stranglers, The]
- Good People [Johnson, Jack]
- Have I Told You Lately [Van Morrison]
- Here Comes Your Man [Pixies, The]
- Here, There And Everywhere [Beatles, The]
- Homeward Bound [Simon & Garfunkel]
- I Don't Want To Talk About It [Everything But The Girl]
- I Walk The Line [Cash, Johnny]
- If You Could Read My Mind [Lightfoot, Gordon]
- I'm A Believer [Monkees, The]
- I'm Yours [Mraz, Jason]
- Love Is All Around [Wet Wet Wet]
- Maggie May [Stewart, Rod]
- Many Rivers To Cross [Cliff, Jimmy]
- Marrakesh Express [Crosby, Stills & Nash]
- Mr. Tambourine Man [Byrds, The]
- New York, New York [Adams, Ryan]
- Oh, Pretty Woman [Orbison, Roy]
- Other Side Of The World [Tunstall, KT]
- Perfect Skin [Cole, Lloyd]
- Poker Face [Lady Gaga]
- Price Tag [Jessie J]
- Rolling In The Deep [Adele]
- Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town [Rogers, Kenny]
- Run [Snow Patrol]
- Sloop John B [Beach Boys, The]
- Somewhere In My Heart [Aztec Camera]
- Starman [Bowie, David]
- Stuck In The Middle With You [Stealers Wheel]
- Sunday Morning [Velvet Underground, The]
- Suzanne [Cohen, Leonard]
- Sweetest Thing [U2]
- That's Entertainment [Jam, The]
- The Boxer [Simon And Garfunkel]
- The Cave [Mumford & Sons]
- The Day We Caught The Train [Ocean Colour Scene]
- The First Cut Is The Deepest [Stevens, Cat]
- The Power Of Love [Frankie Goes To Hollywood]
- The Scientist [Coldplay]
- The Sound Of Silence [Simon And Garfunkel]
- The Weight [Band, The]
- Try A Little Tenderness [Redding, Otis]
- Unchained Melody [Righteous Brothers, The]
- Waiting In Vain [Marley, Bob]
- Waltz #2 (Xo) [Smith, Elliott]
- What's Up [4 Non Blondes]
- Where Did You Sleep Last Night? [Nirvana]
- Who'll Stop The Rain [Creedence Clearwater Revival]
- Why Does It Always Rain On Me? [Travis]
- Will You? [O'connor, Hazel]
- Wonderful Tonight [Clapton, Eric]
- Wuthering Heights [Bush, Kate]
- Yellow [Coldplay]
- You Do Something To Me [Weller, Paul]
- Your Cheatin' Heart [Williams, Hank]
- You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [Oasis]
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