The Little Black Songbook: Classic Hits

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Zang, Gitaar
- Series: The Little Black Songbook
- Bezetting: Solo
- Genre: Pop & Rock
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1003068
- ISBN: 9781849389983
Prijs € 19,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- Alfie [Black, Cilla]
- Alive [Pearl Jam]
- All I Have To Do Is Dream [The Everly Brothers]
- Alone [Heart]
- America [Razorlight]
- Angel [McLachlan, Sarah]
- Are You Gonna Be My Girl [Jet]
- Bad Romance [Lady Gaga]
- Bamboleo [Gipsy Kings]
- Beautiful [Aguilera, Christina]
- Born Free [Monro, Matt]
- By Your Side [Sade]
- Call Me [Blondie]
- Chop Suey! [System Of A Down]
- Coming Around Again [Simon, Carly]
- Crazy [Cline, Patsy]
- Dizzy
- Don’t Know Why
- Don’t Stop Believin' [Journey]
- Downtown [Clark, Petula]
- Dreams [Fleetwood Mac]
- Eternal Flame [The Bangles]
- Everything I Own [Bread]
- Eye Of The Tiger [Survivor]
- Give Peace A Chance [Plastic Ono Band]
- Goldfinger [Bassey, Shirley]
- Gone ’Til November [Wyclef Jean]
- Hallelujah [Cohen, Leonard]
- Holding Out For A Hero [Tyler, Bonnie]
- Hush [Deep Purple]
- I Drove All Night [Roy Orbison]
- I Fought The Law [The Clash]
- I’m A Believer [The Monkees]
- I’m Kissing You [Des’ree]
- I’m Outta Love [Anastacia]
- If You're Not The One [Bedingfield, Daniel]
- In The Shadows [The Rasmus]
- In The Summertime [Mungo Jerry]
- Is She Really Going Out With Him? [Jackson, Joe]
- Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) [Kenny Rogers & The 1st Edition]
- Last Goodbye [Buckley, Jeff]
- Le Freak [Chic]
- Like A Virgin [Madonna]
- Looking For Love [Ramirez, Karen]
- Love Spreads [The Stone Roses]
- Love Story [Taylor, Swift]
- Missing [Everything But The Girl]
- Moon River [Williams, Danny]
- More Than A Feeling [Boston]
- Motorcycle Emptiness [Manic Street Preachers]
- Naive [The Kooks]
- Other Side Of The World [K.T. Tunstall]
- Our House [Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young]
- Pure Morning [Placebo]
- Real Gone Kid [Deacon Blue]
- Road Rage [Catatonia]
- Rosanna [Toto]
- Rule The World [Take That]
- Shame [Williams, Robbie] [Barlow, Gary]
- She’s In Fashion [Suede]
- Short People [Newman, Randy]
- Show Me Heaven [Mckee, Maria]
- Side [Travis]
- Suspicious Minds [Presley, Elvis]
- Sweet Caroline [Diamond, Neil]
- Take My Breath Away [Berlin]
- Take On Me [A-ha]
- That’s Amore [Martin, Dean]
- That’s Not My Name [The Ting Tings]
- The Closest Thing To Crazy [Melua, Katie]
- The Heat Is On [Frey, Glenn]
- The Model [Kraftwerk]
- The Way It Is [Bruce Hornsby & The Range]
- True Colours [Lauper, Cyndi]
- Underground [Ben Folds Five]
- Up Where We Belong [Cocker, Joe] [Warnes, Jennifer]
- Upside Down [Ross, Diana]
- Walking In Memphis [Cohn, Marc]
- Wanted Dead Or Alive [Bon Jovi]
- West End Girls [Pet Shop Boys]
- When You’re Gone [Bryan Adams feat. Melanie C]
- Whenever, Wherever [Shakira]
- Wonderwall [Oasis]
- Yesterday [The Beatles]
- You Give Me Something [Morrison, James]
- Your Cheatin’ Heart [Williams, Hank]
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