The Little Black Songbook Of Acoustic Songs

- Uitgever:Wise Publications
- Instrument(en): Ukulele
- Arrangeur: Hopkins, Adrian
- Series: The Little Black Songbook
- Soort: Bladmuziek
- Uitgeversnummer: AM1007402
- ISBN: 9781783052745
Prijs € 19,99
Bel voor advies: 0342-419197
- 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover [Simon, Paul]
- A Day In The Life [The Beatles]
- A Good Year For The Roses [Jones, George]
- American Pie
- Angie [The Rolling Stones]
- Army Dreamers [Bush, Kate]
- Babylon [Gray, David]
- Blue Jeans [Del Rey, Lana]
- Boulder To Birmingham [Harris, Emmylou]
- Broken Strings [Morrison, James] [Furtado, Nelly]
- Brothers In Arms [Dire Straits]
- Chasing Cars
- Come On Eileen [Dexy’s Midnight Runners]
- Cosmic Dancer [T. Rex]
- Coyote
- Cracklin’ Rosie [Diamond, Neil]
- Dog Days Are Over [Florence + The Machine]
- Dress Sexy At My Funeral [Smog]
- End Of A Century [Blur]
- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall [Coldplay]
- Everyday [Buddy Holly]
- First We Take Manhattan [Cohen, Leonard]
- Fisherman’s Blues [The Waterboys]
- Forever Autumn [Hayward, Justin]
- Get Lucky [Daft Punk]
- Go Your Own Way [Fleetwood Mac]
- God Only Knows[The Beach Boys]
- Hickory Wind [Parsons, Gram]
- Ho Hey [The Lumineers]
- Holes [Mercury Rev]
- I Forgot To Remember To Forget [Cash, Johnny]
- I Say A Little Prayer [Franklin, Aretha]
- I’ll See You In My Dreams [Brown, Joe]
- If I Were A Carpenter [Darin, Bobby]
- In The Country [Cliff Richard & The Shadows]
- Ivy & Gold [Bombay Bicycle Club]
- Je T'aime… Moi Non Plus [Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin]
- Just The Two Of Us [Withers, Bill]
- Killing Me Softly [The Fugees]
- Lay, Lady, Lay [Dylan, Bob]
- Let Her Go [Passenger]
- Let It Grow [Clapton, Eric]
- Life On Mars?[Bowie, David]
- Lightning Bolt [Bugg, Jake]
- Livin’ Thing [Electric Light Orchestra]
- Lola [The Kinks]
- Lost Cause [Beck]
- Love Is Easy[McFly]
- Lust For Life[Pop, Iggy]
- More Than Words[Extreme]
- Nothing Else Matters [Metallica]
- One Way [The Levellers]
- Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World [Kamakawiwo’ole, Israel]
- Pinball Wizard [The Who]
- S.O.S. [Abba]
- Satellite Of Love[Reed, Lou]
- She Said [Plan B]
- Someone Like You [Adele]
- Sugar Man [Rodriguez]
- Suspicion [Presley, Elvis]
- The Boy With The Thorn In His Side [The Smiths]
- The Lazy Song [Mars, Bruno]
- The Lovecats
- Theme from 'Shaft' [Hayes, Isaac]
- There She Goes [The La’s]
- Tiptoe Through The Tulips With Me [Tiny Tim]
- Tonight You Belong To Me
- Wagon Wheel [Old Crow Medicine Show]
- We Are The People [Empire Of The Sun]
- We Have All The Time In The World[Armstrong, Louis]
- Weather With You [Crowded House]
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps [The Beatles]
- Whiskey In The Jar [Thin Lizzy]
- Winter Winds [Mumford & Sons]
- You Always Hurt The One You Love (from ‘Blue Valentine’) [Gosling, Ryan]
- You Wear It Well [Stewart, Rod]
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